Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Leaving Tanoliu

I have left Tanoliu, my training village and am currently staying in Port Vila, the capital and largest city in Vanuatu, to continue my training. My host family and I honored our final night together by cooking banana pie over an open fire. They are displayed in the above photograph. My site placement is on the island of Malekula at a school in the northwest. I will have a house right near the beach, which feels like a tremendous improvement from a tiny room on the Lower East Side of New York City. I have also been placed with two of closest friends in the Peace Corps. I look forward to this new creative and professional venture. There will certainly be beautiful stories to come.


  1. I have been reading all about Malekula in the Lonely Plant Guide to Vanuatu and New Caledonia. It sounds beautiful and culturally fascinating! I look forward to pictures and stories!

  2. Hi Paz, I'm Corri-- your cousin Bruce's long-time friend. We've never really met, but I know your parents and I grew up (till 3rd grade) in Douglaston, where your mom grew up! I just read all of your journal entries. I will be following with interest and believe I will have a lot to learn from your entries and journeys. I like your Tennessee Williams quote, btw. Take care, dear Paz. Oh, one more thing. When I was 18 or 19 I spent a year in Israel (then subsequently another 6 years there) and lived with people from different cultures. It was one of the most formative experiences of my life. I still feel connected to Jewish culture from the North African and Kurdish communities, because it became part of me. I have a feeling that you have some similar experiences as per your travels to India. BTW, my heart goes out to the dogs and cats on the island. I have more to say about this, but will end here. Looking forward to more of your reflections. Corri
